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To the crew  
Post nr: 55
Thread: [55]
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6603 days ago)
Subject: What people search for on Google

If you want to build wiki-pages to attract people from Google, these are good keywords to write about:

Search-term   searches this month
sca armour     103
sca archery     29
sca clothing    29
sca heraldry    28
sca weapons     26
sca swords      19
sca barony      17
sca rapier      14
sca costume     11

So it's a good idea to make these wiki-pages if you have something good to put on them! It's good free advertising ;) You can at least put a lot of links on the pages and an image on each of them.

(By the way: All these search-terms show an ad for Thunder's Keep. Don't click on it, because it costs me money!)
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