Page name: SCA photos [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-03-14 15:17:37
Last author: Isabeau
Owner: Valgardr
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SCA photos

Links to SCA photo pages on Thunder's Keep and elsewhere.

Hint: The best way to upload a big bunch of photos is to go here: <URL:upload_zip.html>, select a good, but short name, and then you just select the image-files and comment on them. To put the wiki-page here, just press "Edit" on this page and add your page's name with [ and @wiki] around the name at the bottom here: 

There are also photos in the photo albums (<URI:superwikiphotoalbum.html?score=yes>).

Photos by [Valgardr]:
Shire of Arenal:Shire Tournament 2006
Meridian Fall Crown List 2007 Photos

[jaquemine]'s photos:

[Madalena]'s photos:

[jocosa]'s photos:

[MacTire]'s photos:
Garb & Grub Nov '06
Arenal Champions

[VikingCrone]'s photos:
A Viking Crones Life

[Keg]'s armour photos:

[Isabeau]'s photographs:

[Caitriona]'s photos:
Calontir's Lilies War XXI

[Katrine la Escolpiera]'s photos
Link to Mooneschadowe's Triumph II photos:
<img100*0:stuff/Mooneschadowe%27s%20Scutum.jpg> Mooneshadeens of the Scutum at Gulf Wars 2007.
Link to Ansteorra's Crown Tourny 2007 (Fall):

Dietrich von Greyssen's Photos [Dietrich von Greyssen]
Steppes Warlord 2007
Ulstead's Coronation 2007

[FeketeRosa]: Fekete Rosa's SCA pics

Username (or number or email):


2007-01-02 [hedda]: Don't worry about that you might mess up! We'll fix! ;)

2007-01-14 [hedda]: Wonderful shots, [Isabeau]! No raining and snowing there?

2007-01-14 [Isabeau]: Thanks, Hedda! No snow yet this year. A bit of rain though. There is an event in February in North Carolina that is infamous for being held in heavy rains! I'll see if I can find my pictures from it to post. The event is called The Tourney of Ymir. (Ymir was an frost giant). 

2007-02-19 [hedda]: It's the photos on:
I guess?

It looks pretty nice. Here it's just wet snow now.

2007-02-23 [Isabeau]: That's the event! It was a few weeks ago. It was very nice weather, although it got very cold by the end of the day. 

It was very warm here today. Yesterday there were Thunder storms (my favorite) with pouring rain, and today it was sunny.

2007-05-23 [hedda]: New photos! Great! <img:stuff/smile.jpg>

2007-06-01 [Isabeau]: More coming! New set is from the Feast of Saint Hermangild, hosted by my local group (The Canton of Falcon Cree). I'm not finished uploading them, so keep checking back!

2007-10-16 [Katrine la Escolpiera]: Hello everyone! I've put in a link to Triumph II's event hosted by the Province of Mooneschadowe!!!

2007-10-16 [hedda]: Nice! Thanks! <img:stuff/smile.jpg>

I corrected the link to your house. It should be written [Katrine la Escolpiera] without "@wiki". Otherwise you point to a non-existing wiki-page called katrine la escolpiera <img:stuff/skeerd.jpg>

2007-10-17 [Katrine la Escolpiera]: Oops! I'll eventually get it right!

2007-10-19 [hedda]: I put your image here, to spice up the page a little. Generally, it should only be links though.

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