Newbie questions

Post nr: 349
Author: Elspeth DreamWatcher Posted: (5605 days ago)
Subject: Guilds and Such (Texts: 1 )


I'm new here and I'm sure that I have just overlooked how to get where I want to go and I'm sure some one will direct me, but... Question: I am interested in finding information on Late Period (c. 1580 to 1600+) herbal, apothicary, and/or Barber-Surgons. I found the link to the Guild in the Eastern Kingdoms, but I am not a member.... help?

Any help would be appreciated,


Post nr: 192
Author: AElric Posted: (6371 days ago)
Subject: Linking Households (Texts: 7 )

It appears that I tried to list my House under the AEthelmearc page. Well I tried, but then AEthelmearc became my household. I didn't think thier highness would appreciate me stealing the entire kingdom, so I put it back. My question is thus, how do i like my house page (now made correctly) to the Households of AEthelmearc page? Please, in layman's terms...i'm not real computer savy.

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