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In search for the holy grail  
Post nr: 109
Thread: [100]
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6530 days ago) Previous in thread: 108 by hedda
Subject: Period Music

There is music. Sometimes nice music. Very Infrequently actual medieval music. A lot of people sing songs that were written in the past 200 years, songs about medieval or similar heroic people, and some funny songs about the SCA (famous Scadians, popular events, horrible feasts, etc). Most of this music is not at all similar to the motets and other music found actually in our period (600-1600). 

I guess I'd say, the most wonderful part of an event, on the occasions that we have them, are the dances sometimes held after feast, where we get to hear and dance to the period dance music. (usually taped. i would love to have live music!)

There are some very talented musicians. We have one in this Kingdom who has a Laurel (highest arts award) in music. I have heard very little of his period music because he spends very much of his time at concerts playing ridiculous music well enjoyed by all (including me) about period and sca subjects, but not in period styles.

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