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In search for the holy grail  
Post nr: 353
Thread: [353]
Author: Sigfreid (New name: joesnuffy) Posted: 2009-11-12 01:55:15 (5525 days ago)
Subject: Frustration and ranting

OK so i'm a member of the East kingdom on the edge of Atlantia, I am located in a shire that is "sparse" to say the least, to say nothing of the cliques that are present to which i obviously don't belong or wish to be. Due to my location it's difficult to attend events like i used to because of distance. a usual event daytrip is a 2+ hour drive. would it be wrong of me to start attending Atlantian events if they are closer?
Another issue I am faced with is in the East my household and (RL) parents are widely known. i was raised in the SCA. It is difficult to do anything to make a name for myself without someone mentioned either of the the two.

thoughts, suggestions?

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