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2006-11-15 [Valgardr]: I may make a wiki link page for schwag (stuff, merchandise, etc..) Maybe even get a card service like ET's too..
2006-12-21 [Valgardr]: awesome! thanks
2007-01-25 [swordgirl72]: Thanks for the sticker link :)
2007-01-25 [swordgirl72]: anyone out there going to Estrella War this year?
2007-01-26 [Valgardr]: Might be a bit out of my range as far as traveling goes.. :(
2007-02-18 [hedda]: Meridies has the best information so far. Let's see if any other kingdom can rival that.
2007-05-23 [johan_craft]: I do not see my Kingdom and do not know how to add it to the list. I am a Trimarian and do not see the white and blue of my homeland.
2007-05-23 [Valgardr]: Oh my stars and Garters.. you are absolutely correct! I shall add it hastily. :D
2007-05-24 [Valgardr]: I have to add all the stuff to Trimaris, but you are represented now, milord. :)
2007-05-25 [Valgardr]: thanks hedda.. was having trouble getting them to line right.. :)
2007-05-30 [Isha Raqs Xahar]: I added a teensy bit more information to the Kingdom of Caid...
2007-05-30 [Valgardr]: PLEASE DO! Me and [hedda] Can't do it alone.. I'm hoping everyone will add their own information to stuff as we go.. thank you!
2007-07-11 [Isha Raqs Xahar]: Well, if I may say, though it's not MY kingdom, it is the one that started it all....The West appears to be missing, unless I need a new pair of glasses...
2007-07-11 [Valgardr]: Oh Bugger... I did miss that one.. I'll add it as soon as I'm able..
2007-07-16 [Valgardr]: fixed poor gleann ahbann's arms as well.. ^_^
2007-07-17 [Valgardr]: all 19 kindoms here.. now i need to add info to the wikis..
2007-11-03 [Magnus]: I have added something to the West Kingdom.
2007-11-04 [hedda]: Good! I structured the information a little bit, fixed some pseudo-HTML-co
2009-08-10 [Elspeth DreamWatcher]: Greetings,
I'm new here. Where can I find a map of the Known World? I remember where Caid, Trimaris and Meredias are, but the rest I'm a bit hazy on...
Thanks Elspeth
2009-08-10 [Valgardr]: Hey Elspeth!!! I don't have a current map of the Knowne World yet.. I just uploaded one I found dated from 2005. I don't believe it has changed much since then..
2009-08-10 [Elspeth DreamWatcher]: Bastion,
Thanks for the map,
-- though I may not have waited for it to load (bloody dial-up; carrier pigon is almost faster!)
This just showed me how long I've been gone to war an me Laird showed me a map! It seems that I am no longer in Meredies, but am now in Glenn Abhann! Looks like that bloody Thirty Years War I've been hearing about really _has_ changed all the maps! LOL
Thanks again.
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